It is necessary that we have a clear picture of what we mean by a miracle. Here are some definitions:
- A miracle is an extraordinary and astonishing happening that is attributed to the presence and action of an ultimate or divine power.
- A Miracle is an event that appears so inexplicable by the laws of nature, that it is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God.
- An act beyond human power, an impossibility."
It is logical that greater the impossibility, greater the miracle. For example, should a person expire before our very eyes and is certified dead by a qualified medical man, yet later on a mystic or a saint commands the corpse to 'arise!', and to everybody's astonishment the person gets up and walks away, we would label that as a miracle. But if the resurrection of the dead took place after the corpse had been in the mortuary for three days, then we would acclaim this as a greater miracle. And if the dead was made to arise from the grave, decades or centuries after the body had decomposed and rotted away, then in that case we would label it the greatest miracle of them all!
If I were to tell you "My father memorizes a whole book of over 600 pages by heart!" you may say "impossible!" or perhaps, 'Oh! Cool, your father is awesome for having a good memory!"
Now if I were to tell you "I know 10 people who memorized this same book of over 600 pages by heart!". you may say "come on, that's even more impossible" or maybe "cool, you know many awesome people of good memory!"
But what will you think and say if I tell you there is this one book of over 600 pages (more than 80,000 words) memorized completely from cover to cover by over 5 million people around the world.
Impossible. no?
Indeed it is impossible. but wait, not just that.
these memorizers not only memorize the words, they even memorize the melodious way the words are read. and they all read it in the same way.
Impossible now?
Indeed it is impossible. but that's not all.
what if you knew that most of the memorizers don't even speak the language in which the book is written. millions of people memorize a whole book in a language they don't even speak!
Now if this is not a great great great impossibility, then I don't know what to call it.
You will have to agree that It is impossible. you probably don't know any person around you memorizing a books of 20 pages. if you know one single person memorizing one single small book, you are lucky. But it is indeed impossible for 5 million people of different languages to learn a thick book and memorize it from cover to cover in a language which most of them neither speak nor understand.
This is crazy. impossible. really impossible... except if it is a miracle. The awesomeness of this memorization is no longer in the memorizers. it is in the book itself. This book is so special and unique that people as young as 5 years old can memorize it easily. It is so unique that Even if all books on the face of the earth, secular or religious, are destroyed and there are no more books around, this is the ONLY book that can be restored exactly like it is, verse for verse, word for word. from cover to cover. why? because this book is above space and time. it is the Word of the Creator of space and time. Dear reader, the book I am talking about is the miraculous Qur'an: the very word of the God -glory be to him-.
The Qur'an was the first book ever written in the Arabic language. Yet fourteen centuries later, its language is as alive as it was when it was revealed. And there is no other example in the whole history when the very first book in a language became any masterpiece let alone the eternal masterpiece that Qur'an is.
Whether you agree it is the word of the God or not is another matter, but you have to admit it is a miraculous and amazing book. a book like no other book.
I invite everyone of you to give the Qur'an a chance. It could be a life experience. and you will benefit a lot from reading it. you will also discover other miraculous aspects of this book. Just give it a chance. you will never regret it.
Here are some websites about the Noble Qur'an and attempts at its translation:
Online Qur'an project
Allah Qur'an
The Quranic Arabic Corpus
Quran in different languages
Quran in different languages
Quran word for word in English
Qur'an Explanation
Quran and Explanation of the Quran
Quran in so many languages
Quran in English
I hope this was beneficial.
if I am right, it is from the God. if I am wrong, it is from myself. I did my best, so God, forgive me.
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